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BlockNote for the Net

BlockNote for the Net by Terra Informatica, Software Design

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visual HTML editing

BlockNote for the Net is an easy to use WYSIWYG HTML editor. It offers an easy to understand interface without clutter and confusing options. You can create a web page similar to creating a document in your word processor - just type the text, select fonts from a drop menu, apply formatting styles and more. You can also insert images and even paste rich text sections while maintaining the original formatting. BlockNote includes helper dialogs to create tables, insert URLs and more. The program contains enough HTML features to create a basic web page without confusing the user with too many complicated dialogs and features that he may not need. The finished web page can also be sent by email or exported as PDF or MHT Web Archive document.

Product Details

PublisherTerra Informatica, Software DesignO/SWin (All)
Versionv1.8File Size1719 Kb
Last updatedSep 04, 2006

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Category: HTML Editors | Added by: scosei | Tags: Software Design, Web Publishing & Design, FREE, HTML Editors, Terra Informatica, BlockNote for the Net
Views: 462 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0