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Prey by Fork Ltd.

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locate a missing laptop or phone

Prey is an anti-theft solution for laptops and mobile phones that lets you keep track of your device and can help you locate it in case it was lost or stolen. The program basically runs as a local server on your system that interacts with an online website, which it frequently checks for a "signal" that will cause Prey to start uploading its geographical location (via GPS or nearby WiFi spots), IP address, network information, a screenshot of the desktop, and more. You can even tell Prey to activate your webcam, delete browser history, display a warning message, sound an alarm or lock your computer.

can be used with an online control panel at Preyproject.com or, if you are an advanced user, you can use your own web server and receive reports via email. In case your laptop is stolen or lost, you can activate the signal from the control panel or, if using your own server, delete a special HTML file on your server to cause Prey to start sending reports.

l panel offers more functionality than the advanced method and it is free to use with up to 3 devices and 10 concurrent reports. Prey is also available for Linux, Mac and Android phones

em>Needless to say, Prey only works if the missing device is connected to the Internet.

Product Details

PublisherFork Ltd.O/SWin (All)
Versionv0.6.4File Size5658 Kb
Last updatedOct 20, 2014

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Category: Misc. Security Tools | Added by: scosei | Tags: FREE, Misc. Security Tools, Fork Ltd., prey, Security & Privacy Software
Views: 448 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0