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NetworkActiv PIAFCTM

NetworkActiv PIAFCTM by NetworkActiv

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capture network traffic

NetworkActiv PIAFCTM enables you to capture and analyze IP packets, search for keywords in the content and set various filters to limit capture to the packets you`re interested in. Filtering options include by IP, by port, string, protocol and more. In addition, you can also use the File Sniffer mode, which allows you to capture and store complete HTTP files (web-pages, pictures, downloads, etc.) that go through your computer via your network. The files can be stored in a directory of your choice for later review or processing. NetworkActiv PIAFCTM also includes a graphical packets mode which attempts to create a real-time network map from the captured traffic (beta test). An easy to use tool for TCP/IP network administrators, security professionals, and just about any advanced computer user with an internet connection.

Product Details

PublisherNetworkActivO/SWin (All)
Versionv2.2.2File Size1188 Kb
Last updatedFeb 14, 2008

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Category: Protocol Analyzers | Added by: scosei | Tags: Protocol Analyzers, NetworkActiv, FREE, NetworkActiv PIAFCTM, Networking Software
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