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Virtual Router

Virtual Router by Virtual Router Project

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create a wireless hotspot

Virtual Router enables you to create a wireless hotspot without the need for a wireless router. All you need is a Windows 7/8 (Windows Server 2008 R2) computer with a wireless network adapter and the program will do the rest.

Virtual Router takes advantage of Windows's Wireless Hosted Network (Virtual Wifi) technology which allows you to share your network connection without complicated configurations, just set the password to secure the connection and start the Virtual Router.

Note: You may need to restart your computer or start the Virtual Router service manually after initial installation.

Product Details

PublisherVirtual Router ProjectO/SWindows 7/8
Versionv1.0File Size1341 Kb
Last updatedFeb 11, 2013

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Category: Misc. Networking Tools | Added by: scosei | Tags: virtual router, Misc. Networking Tools, Networking Software, FREE, Virtual Router Project
Views: 451 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0