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InternetOff by Crystal Rich Ltd.

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temporarily disable your Internet connection

InternetOff is a simple program that allows you to turn off your Internet connection with a click of a button from the system tray. This can be useful if you don't want to be disturbed by incoming emails, social updates and other online services.

To turn your Internet connection back on, simple click the tray icon. You can choose to simply turn your connection back on or limit it to 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes.

In order to "turn off" your Internet connection, the program simply disables your current network adapter (Local Area Connection), which effectively disables the Internet. Unfortunately, this approach also disables all local network connections, so if your computer is on a home or office network, you will use all connectivity.

InternetOff is mostly useful to those who don't know how to disable/enable a network adapter, or are looking for a convenient way to do it from the system tray.

Product Details

PublisherCrystal Rich Ltd.O/SXP/Vista/7/8
Versionv2.3.1File Size1901 Kb
Last updatedOct 15, 2013

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Category: Misc. Networking Tools | Added by: scosei | Tags: Misc. Networking Tools, Networking Software, FREE, InternetOff, Crystal Rich Ltd.
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