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Gateway IP Monitor

Gateway IP Monitor by NETIKUS.NET ltd

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IP monitor for broadband users

Gateway IP Monitor is a tool, that is useful for users with a DSL/cable internet connection, who would like monitor their external IP address. The service monitors your external IP address by periodically connecting to a web page on the Internet. You can use the provided monitoring option, or use a page on your own server (script included). If you use the provided option, the program checks your IP every 6 hours, however if you upload the script to your own server, you can check the status every few minutes instead.

Additional features include email notifications and further automation. Gateway IP Monitor sits in the system tray and reveal your current (external) IP with the click of your mouse.

Product Details

PublisherNETIKUS.NET ltdO/SWin (All)
Versionv1.40File Size1274 Kb
Last updatedMar 30, 2009

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Category: Misc. Networking Tools | Added by: scosei | Tags: NETIKUS.NET ltd, Gateway IP Monitor, Misc. Networking Tools, Networking Software, FREE
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