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Wink by Satish Kumar. S

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create program presentation in Flash

Wink allows you to record desktop action or application windows and create smooth, animated Flash demonstrations from the result, which can be saved in SWF format or as standalone EXE file with integrated playback. Simply press a keyboard key every time you want to capture a frame; when you are finished, you can annotate each frame, using a variety of comment shapes.

You can also include Next and GoTo button, allowing the viewer to navigate the animation or jump to specific frames. The frames are then rendered into a smooth Flash animation that can be played in the user`s browser or the standalone EXE file with viewer.

Wink is easy to use and lets you create quality Flash demos with no further experience needed.

Product Details

PublisherSatish Kumar. SO/SWin (All)
Versionv2.0 build 1060File Size3272 Kb
Last updatedJul 13, 2008

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Category: Screen Recording | Added by: scosei | Tags: Screen Recording, Satish Kumar. S, FREE, Wink, Multimedia_Audio & Video
Views: 391 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0