Dropresize by Jay Robledo
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automated image resizingDropresize is a simple image resizing tool that watches one or more specified folders for new images and automatically resizes them based on your settings. You can set the desired image height or width, an image prefix or suffix as well as JPG quality and resizing method to be used. To resize images, simply copy (or move) them to the watched folder and the program will automatically rezize them for you and optionally keep backup copies of your (non-resized) originals. No need to install, just unzip the file into your hard disk and run the .exe file.
Product DetailsPublisher | Jay Robledo | O/S | XP/Vista/7 Portable | Price | Free | Requirements | .NET Framework 2.0 | Version | v0.2.5.9 | File Size | 72 Kb | Last updated | Sep 25, 2011 |
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